venerdì 6 febbraio 2009

World Dog Show 2009

World Dog Show 2009 Bratislava 8-11.10.2009

Pdf per iscrizione:

Rottweiler – males, BOB Bierwolf Hans (A)
Rottweiler – females van Deijl W.M. (NL)

Entered by
1st Entry 28/02/2009 2nd Entry 30/06/2009 3rd Entry 17/08/2009
1st dog---- EUR 60---------------EUR 80--------------- EUR 90
Add. dogs---EUR 55--------------EUR 75--------------- EUR 85
Puppy, vet- EUR 20--------------EUR 25----------------EUR 30

Bank account details
Beneficiary: SKJ WDS 2009
Account nr.: 2667080247/1100IBAN
code: SK73 1100 0000 0026 6708 0247
Bank: TATRABANKA Stefánikova 22811 05 BratislavaSlovakia


The FCI General Committee informs all the FCI members and contract partners that the partnership contract signed with the Unija Kinoloskih Saveza Bosne I Hercegovine on February 6th, 2002 in Belgrade is terminated with immediate effect as the Committee is unable to determine who and what club currently and by our own criteria represents the interests of cynology in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

VDH Europasieger Zuchtschau

Uscita a calendario data del Europasieger-Zuchtschau

02.05.2009 Dortmund LG Westfalen VDH-Europasieger-Zuchtschau

Nuove date Körung

Uscite a calendario le date Körung:

17.05.2009 Frühjahrskörung (Wittenberg)

13.09.2009 Herbstkörung (Eschweiler)

giovedì 5 febbraio 2009

Campionato Sociale di Addestramento

7-8/03/2009 MONTICHIARI (BS)
Sezione S.A.S. San Giorgio
Via Madonnina,148
Montichiari di Brescia
Referente Bessega Mariarosa
Contatti cellulare : 347-2738360
e-mail :
Iscrizioni Segreteria RCI
C.P. 42/a 27100 Pavia
Tel.0382574757 - Fax 02700447327
Giudici : Liliana Carta - Ennio De Lucchi
Figuranti : Danilo Traves - Silvio Fuoco

Febbraio 2009

Uscita di febbraio rivista ADRK

DVD Klubsieger-Zuchtschau 2008

Dvd Klubsieger-Zuchtschau 2008 in Duisburg, composto da 2 DVD

Prezzo EURO 32.90

Numero Articolo : V-1034